• Program

  • Overview

  • Session details 

  • 08:00 – 08:45
    08:45 – 09:00
    Chairs: Ahlem Mifdaoui, Luis Almeida    
    09:00 - 10:10
    Keynote 1: How AI (and data) has been changing the game in Automotive industry: new trends, challenges and potential solutions (for more details, see "More about the sessions" below)
    10:10 – 10:35
    10:35 - 12:15
    Regular session 1: Enabling Architecture and Servicies for Industrial Networks
    (Chairs: Luis Almeida, Frank Golatowski)
    • 10:35 - 11:00 Stefan Walser, Jan Ruh, Silviu S. Craciunas
    Real-time Container Orchestration Based on Time-utility Functions
    • 11:00 - 11:25 Alexios Lekidis, Konstantinos Fysarakis, Vasileios Mavroeidis
    Towards Incident Response Orchestration for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure
    • 10:25 - 11:50 Pablo Sanz, Oscar Seijo, Pablo Angueira, Jon Montalban, Inaki Val
    Safety Communication Layer Methodology Assessment of COFDM Over a Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel
    •  11:50 - 12:15 Gilson Miranda Jr., Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, Jeroen Hoebeke, Ingrid Moerman, Daniel F. Macedo, Johann M. Marquez-Barja
    A Flexible In-band Network Telemetry Framework for Heterogeneous Private Networks
    12:15 – 13:45
    13:45 - 15:00
    Regular session 2: Wi-Fi in Industrial Communication
    (Chairs: Javier Silvestre-Blanes, Stefano Scanzio)

    • 13:45 - 14:10 Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, Xianjun Jiao, Xiaoman Shen, Chun Pan, Xingfeng Jiang, Jeroen Hoebeke, Ingrid Moerman
    Coordinated Spatial Reuse for WiFi Networks: A Centralized Approach
    • 14:10 - 14:35 Matteo Rosani, Gianluca Cena,  Dave Cavalcanti, Valerio Frascolla, Guido Marchetto, Stefano Scanzio
    A Software Platform for Testing Multi-Link Operation in Industrial Wi-Fi Networks
    • 14:35 - 15:00 Susruth Sudhakaran, Javier Perez-Ramirez, Dave Cavalcanti, Cazan Cosmine, Olson Nicholas, Rosales Rafael, Valerio Frascolla
    Wireless Network Digital Twin Calibrated by Real Time Telemetry and XR Feedback Interface
    15:00 – 15:30
    15:30 - 17:30   
    Work-in-Progress Session with Posters
    (Chairs: Oana Hotescu, Saad Mubeen)

    • 15:30 - 15:35 Santiago Soler Perez Olaya, Hasal Kulasekara Pallewaththe Kankanamge, Gustavo Pedroso Cainelli, Bodo Gambal
    Management of Industrial 5G Networks over Asset Administration Shell
    • 15:35 - 15:40 Nico Braunisch,  Santiago Soler Perez Olaya, Uwe Schmidt, Marko Ristin, Marcin Sadurski, Hans Wernher van de Venn, Martin Wollschlaeger
    Digital Twin in Industrie 4.0 for Embedded Systems
    • 15:40 - 15:45 Cristian Bianchi, Ayub Shah, Chiara Marangoni, Roberto Passerone
    Toward Simulation-Assisted Architecture Design Space Exploration of Indoor Robotics Networks
    • 15:45 - 15:50 Ozgur Ozkaya, Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, Ingrid Moerman, Jeroen Hoebeke
    Simulating and Validating openwifi W-TSN in ns-3
    • 15:50 - 15:55 Massimiliano Gaffurini, Paolo Bellagente, Alessandro Depari, Alessandra Flammini, Dennis Brandão, Stefano Rinaldi, Emiliano Sisinni, Paolo Ferrari
    On computing and real-time communication performance of containerized virtual PLCs
    • 15:55 - 16:00 Endika Llaguno, Ivan Pretel, Pablo Angueira, Jon Montalban
    Physical Layer Performance of DECT-2020 New Radio for Factory Automation
    • 16:00 - 16:05 Marco Ehrlich, Georg Lukas, Henning Trsek, Jürgen Jasperneite, Wolfgang Kastner, Christian Diedrich
    Requirements Analysis for the Evaluation of Automated Security Risk Assessments
    • 16:05 - 16:10 Omar Lone, Thorvin Stasiak, Hans Dermot Doran
    Automated and Orchestrated CI/CD Pipelines in Industrial Protocol Certification Testing
    • 16:10 - 16:15 Stefano Scanzio, Matteo Rosani, Gabriele Formis, Dave Cavalcanti, Valerio Frascolla, Guido Marchetto, Gianluca Cena
    Multi-Link Operation and Wireless Digital Twin to Support Enhanced Roaming in Next-Gen Wi-Fi
    • 16:15 - 16:20 Santiago Torres-Borda, Ahlem Mifdaoui
    Towards a partial Credit-Based Shaper deployment Algorithm in Time-Sensitive Networks
    • 16:30 - 17:30 - Posters session
    08:30 – 09:00
    09:00 - 10:10
    Keynote 2: Temporal Symphony: Meeting the Timing Challenge in Edge Computing (for more details, see "More about the sessions" below)
    (Chairs: Silviu S. Craciunas)
    10:10 – 10:35
    10:35 - 12:15
    Regular Session 3: 5G in Industrial Communication
    (Chairs: Hans-Peter Bernhard, Frank Golatowski)
    • 10:35 - 11:00 Sabari Nathan Anbalagan, Alessandro Chiumento, Paul Havinga 
    Fine Grained vs Coarse Grained Channel Quality Prediction: A 5G-RedCap Perspective for Industrial IoT Networks
    • 11:00 - 11:25 Andrés Meseguer Valenzuela, Javier Silvestre-Blanes, Victor M. Sempere-Paya, Luis M. Bartolín-Arnau
    Multi-Access Edge Computing performance into Non-Public 5G Networks: A robot-based experiment
    • 11:25 - 11:50 Benjamin Rother, Nico Kalis, Christian Haubelt, Frank Golatowski
    Localization in 6G: A Journey along existing Wireless Communication Technologies
    •  11:50 - 12:15 Robert Hauser, Florian Grutzmacher, Christian Haubelt
    Approximative Sensor Data Resynchronization for Wireless Burst Transmission Protocols
    12:15 – 13:45
    13:45 - 14:35
    Special Session SS02: Cellular Networks for Hard Real-Time
    (Chairs: Axel Sikora, Christopher Lehmann)

    • 13:45 : 14:10 Arash Sahbafard, Andreas Springer, Petar Popovski, Hans-Peter Bernhard
    Scalable Uplink Modeling for Resource Management in 5G URLLC Networks
    • 14:10 - 14:35 Dominik Welte, Christopher Lehmann, Manuel Schappacher,  Thomas Höschele, Axel Sikora, Frank H.P. Fitzek                                      
    TSN over 5G: Overcoming Challenges and Realizing Integration
    08:30 – 09:00
    09:00 - 10:10
    Industrial Panel: Current and Future Communication Technologies and the Role of TSN and 5G in Industry (for more details, see "More about the sessions" below)
    (Chairs: Silviu S. Craciunas, Claire Pagetti)
    10:00 – 10:35
    10:35 - 12:15
    Regular Session 4: Real-Time in Wired Industrial Networks
    (Chairs: Silviu S. Craciunas, Patrick Denzler)

    • 10:35 - 11:00 Michael Nast, Michael Rethfeldt, Frank Golatowski, Christian Haubelt
    Improving the Real-Time Capability of MQTT for Sensor Networks (MQTT-SN) Using PREEMPT_RT
    • 11:00 - 11:25 Stefan Oechsle, Florian Frick, Moritz Walker, Armin Lechler, Alexander Verl
    Endpoint Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Applications Based on TSN
    • 11:25 - 11:50 Patrick Denzler, Thomas Fruhwirth, Christoph Lehr, Jean Auffray
    Time-Predictable Software-Based TSN-Enabled Network Stack for Mixed Criticality Traffic
    • 11:50 - 12:15 Patrick Keller, Nicolas Navet
    Approximation of Worst-Case Traversal Times in Real-Time Ethernet Networks: Exploring the Potential of Many-Objective Optimization for Simulation Aggregation
    12:15 – 13:45
    13:45 - 15:00
    Special Session SS01:  Distributed and Intelligent Edge Computing (IEC) for Industrial IoT
    (Chairs: Ahlem Mifdaoui, Marco Ehrlich)

    • 13:45 - 14:10 Amanda Ericson, Stefan Forsstrom, Kyi Thar
    IIoT Intrusion Detection using Lightweight Deep Learning Models on Edge Devices
    • 14:10 - 14:35 Zhongjun Ni, Chi Zhang, Magnus Karlsson, Shaofang Gong
    Edge-based Parametric Digital Twins for Intelligent Building Indoor Climate Modeling
    • 14:35 - 15:00 Bowen Liu,Tao Zheng, Kyi Thar, Mikael Gidlund, Xiaoting Ma, Bo Lei, Hongke Zhang, Mohsen Guizani 
    Intelligent Traffic-Service Mapping of Network for Advanced Industrial IoT Edge Computing
    15:00 – 15:15
  • More about the sessions

  • Abstract:
    TSN and 5G are hot topics in the academic community and are seen as integral parts of the communication infrastructure of future industrial, automotive, and aerospace applications. 
    TSN introduces various mechanisms and protocols that enable QoS, real-time, and fault-tolerant guarantees over Ethernet networks. While these additions are powerful, there is no recipe on which mechanisms, or which combination of mechanisms, to use in which application domain or for which type of application and requirements. Some combinations of mechanisms provide few benefits, while other combinations are natural choices. Similarly, while individual mechanisms are easy to understand, their interaction is not well studied. 5G also enables high bandwidth and low latency for wireless networks but faces deployment challenges related to cost, complexity, and predictability.
    While some application domains are more open to adopting new and cutting-edge technologies, others are more conservative due to process constraints (e.g., retrofitting existing industrial plants) or due to safety and certification reasons (like in the aerospace domain). Hence, each application domain faces different and sometimes unique challenges in accepting new technologies, and this industrial panel aims to discuss some of these challenges. We are happy to have a very diverse panel covering different domains, backgrounds, and industry approaches. 
    Panelists :
    • Philippe Cuenot (Continental, France)
    • Wolfgang Fischer (Airbus, France)
    • Christiana Seethaler (TTControl, Austria)
    • Jörn Migge (RTAW, France)
    • Axel Sikora (Hochschule Offenburg, Germany
    Keynote speaker: Olivier Flebus (Leader of AI and optimization Team at Vitesco Technologies, Toulouse)

    Short bio:
    Olivier Flebus is leading the Artificial Intelligence and Optimization team in the Technology and Innovation department of Vitesco Technologies. Olivier has 25+ years of experience with software development and agile approaches, in various domains and roles. In the last 10 years his focus has moved to data and AI, mixing technology- and business-related interests. Olivier is also president of the Big Data & AI experts community at the French society of automotive engineers (SIA), and external lecturer for data and AI at Toulouse Business School.

    This talk highlights the main stakes of AI in the automotive industry, as seen by a “digital guy” (far more than an “automotive guy”):
    • The wide landscape of AI applications in automotive and mobility
    • The major differences of AI compared to software (onboard as well as offboard) - Learning and Generalization as key AI concepts
    • Combining very different engineering lifecycles : automotive systems, digital services, data and AI (and Generative AI)
    • AI and data raise questions about trustworthiness, risks, regulations and technical standards
    • Challenges and proposed approach illustrated through an end-to-end example of an embedded critical system relying on AI-powered cloud services

    Download the presentation here.
    Keynote speaker: Dr. Dakshina Dasari (Corporate Research Center, Robert Bosch GmbH in Renningen)

    Short bio:
    Dakshina Dasari (Dr.) is a researcher at the  Corporate Research Center, Robert Bosch GmbH in Renningen. 
    She received her Ph.D. in 2014  from the Research Centre in Embedded Systems, University of Porto,  in the area of timing analysis of real-time embedded systems on multi-cores. Her research interests include predictable execution and performance of embedded systems, design, modelling, implementation and analysis of real-time systems and computer architecture. Her current work  encompasses the design and analysis of distributed embedded real-time applications which are deployed over the edge-cloud continuum, with a special focus on resource management considering communication semantics and timing constraints.
    Prior to her Ph.D., she worked in the area of networking for around 5 years with Sun Microsystems, Vegayan Systems and Citrix Systems in India. On the academic front, Dakshina has co-authored more than 35 peer reviewed articles and has served on the technical program committee of several real-time system conferences.

    This talk explores the complexities arising from the intersection of Edge Computing and Industrial Automation, emphasizing the pivotal role played by communication middleware and virtualization technologies in shaping the timing predictability of these systems. As Edge Computing continues to redefine Industrial Automation, this talk delves into the challenges posed by various communication middleware solutions. We scrutinize the ways in which these technologies contribute to or impede the essential timing predictability crucial for the seamless functioning of industrial processes. Additionally, the impact of virtualization technologies is examined, focusing on their capacity to create adaptable and scalable architectures and their influence on timing precision.

    Download the presentation here.
  • Proceedings

    Click here to download the conference proceedings: Proceedings
    The password will be provided during the conference.
  • Social Program

  • Guided visit

    A guided visit of the Great Monuments of Toulouse will be organised on Thursday 18 April from 16:00 to 18:00, and will be followed by the Gala dinner.
    This tour will give you the chance to discover emblematic monuments of the Pink City with a guide and sketch out its history, while strolling through some of Toulouse's most beautiful alleyways.

    The guided visit is included in the Gala dinner.

  • Gala Dinner 

    The Organising Committee is delighted to welcome the WFCS 2024 attendees to a Gala dinner which will be held at the Occitania restaurant on Thursday 18th April at 19:00. The dinner cruise on the Canal du Midi will be a great opportunity to get together with the other attendees and enjoy the homemade traditional French cuisine, so come and enjoy ! 

    Number of seats is limited! Make sure to book your seat during the registration process.
    The gala dinner is included in the registration fee for the attendees, and represents a cost of €65 for accompanying persons. 

  • Registration & Administration
    26 av Jean Kuntzmann
    38330 Montbonnot Saint-Martin
    Tel : +33 825 595 525 (0,15€/min*)
    Information desk
    Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 (UTC +1)
    (*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.

    According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 - Montbonnot Saint Martin / France, or by email webmaster@insight-outside.fr to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.

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